Delaware Transition to Teaching Partnership (DT3P)

The Delaware Transition to Teaching Partnership (DT3P) program aims to recruit, support, and retain a supply of highly qualified secondary English, Mathematics, Technology, and Science teachers in high-needs Delaware schools. The program supports teachers through training, coaching, mentoring, placement assistance, and other supports.


Klein, J. (November, 2017). 2017 DT3P Evaluation Report (T17-060). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Early School Attendance

The Delaware Department of Education is working with CRESP to investigate Kindergarten through third-grade attendance in Delaware public schools, and its relationship with academic achievement.


Center for Research in Education and Social Policy. (2018). Chronic absenteeism and its impact on achievement (P18-002.5). Newark, DE: University of Delaware.

Middle School Mathematics Coaching

The Delaware Department of Education has funded a math coaching program which placed instructional coaching in high-needs Delaware public schools. The goal of the coaching program is to improve mathematics instruction and ultimately, student achievement in mathematics. CRESP is working with the Delaware Department of Education to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of this program.


Giancola, S., Coffey, D., & Riser, D. (2018). Middle school mathematics instructional coaching (P18-001.4). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.


The Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environment IGERT program focuses on creating an innovative graduate curriculum. This curriculum intend to nurture an appreciation for systems biology and cells in engineered environments, and train students in ethics, business outreach, and science communication.


Giancola, S.  & Riser, D. (January, 2018). IGERT Fall 2017 Course Report (S18-002). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.


The WeC4Communities project aims to broaden STEM participation of underrepresented minority youth in grades 5-8. Through informal learning environments in local public libraries and Boys & Girls Clubs, underrepresented youth are provided with opportunities to acquire computer science knowledge and strengthen mathematical skills.


Klein, J. (August, 2017). NSF INCLUDE WeC4Communities Year 1 Evaluation Report (T17-051). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Future Faculty Workshop

The Future Faculty Workshop (FFW) is an annual workshop designed to engage doctoral students and other aspiring academics in the science and engineering field. The goal of the workshop is to enhance the preparation, confidence, and motivation of women and underrepresented groups regarding the pursuit of academic careers. By enhancing the preparation, confidence, and motivation of these groups the program aims to improve the academic and workforce diversity of the science and engineering fields.


Giancola, S. & Riser, D. (January, 2018). Future Faculty Workshop Project Year 1 Cohort Follow-Up Interim Evaluation Report (T18-001). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Giancola, S. & Riser, D. (September, 2017). Year 2 Evaluation Results: Future Faculty Workshop Project (T17-052). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Giancola, S. & Riser, D. (August, 2017). Year 1 Evaluation Results: Future Faculty Workshop Project (T17-050). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.


The goal of the Partner4CS project is to support Computer Science teachers through evidence-based professional development and support the teaching and learning of Computer Science within diverse populations.  The project accomplished this mission through a network of universities, faculty, undergraduates, teachers, students, and policymakers in the state of Delaware.


Klein, J. (November, 2017). Partner4CS 2017 Summer Workshop Evaluation Report (T17-062). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.


ADVANCE is a five-year grant awarded in 2014 to the University of Delaware intended to increase the representation of women faculty in all STEM and social science departments. CRESP staff conducts the internal, formative evaluation of the ADVANCE program to assess whether project activities are occurring as planned and whether progress is being made in meeting program objectives. The ADVANCE evaluation uses a theory-based, participative model, employing repeated measures to examine change during the five-year implementation.


Riser, D. & Giancola, S.  (April, 2018). ADVANCE: CRLT Players Workshop April 9, 2018 (S18-029). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Riser, D. & Giancola, S.  (March, 2018). ADVANCE: Faculty Mentoring Workshop College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment March 2018 (S18-022). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Riser, D. & Giancola, S.  (March, 2018). ADVANCE: Promotion and Tenure Panels March 5, 2018 (S18-021). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Riser, D. & Giancola, S.  (March, 2018). ADVANCE Technical Report: Women’s Leadership at UD Program Results (T18-007). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Giancola, S. & Riser, D. (December, 2017). ADVANCE Interim Evaluation Report: Recruitment Training Findings (T17-064). Newark, DE: Center for Research in Education and Social Policy.

Strategic Data Partnership on Teacher and Leader Effectiveness

Since 2015, CRESP has partnered with DDOE and the Harvard Strategic Data Project (SDP) to hire and place 2-3 SDP Data Fellows in full-time positions at DDOE. The Fellows are co-supervised by CRESP Director, Henry May, and DDOE Deputy Secretary, Karen Field Rogers. The SDP Fellows play a critical role in increasing the analytic capacity of DDOE and promoting connections to CRESP/UD. For more information, visit