The i3 scale-up of Reading Recovery, conducted between 2010 and 2015 by external evaluators from the Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) at the University of Delaware and the Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) at the University of Pennsylvania, included data from schools you’ve worked with.  The original i3 Scale-Up Reading Recovery evaluation found rigorous evidence of large impacts of Reading Recovery’s effect on first graders’ literacy. A newly-funded follow-up study is being conducted to understand the long-term efficacy of Reading Recovery among the students who participated in the i3 scale-up. This follow-up study requires the collection of additional outcome data, as well as data literacy interventions these students experienced in second, third, and fourth grades.


Test Data. Long-term outcomes will be measured by collecting reading or English language arts scores on state achievement tests administered at the end of student’s third and fourth grade years. These data will be collected at the school level and submitted directly to the International Data Evaluation Center (IDEC) by either a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader or a designated Reading Recovery Teacher.


Survey Data. Surveys will be used to understand literacy interventions and students’ progress after the student’s first grade year.  The amount of time required to complete the survey will vary as the person completing the survey will likely need to consult with teachers and other interventionists in the school in order to gather data on the experiences of each student.


Data Collection Timeline. The following table details dates for these data collection activities.

Data Collection Student Group Dates
Cohort 1 (1st Grade in 2011-12) December 2017 – May 2018
Cohort 2 (1st Grade in 2012-13) February 2018 – May 2018
Cohort 3 (1st Grade in 2013-14) October 2018 – December 2018
Cohort 4 (1st Grade in 2014-15) February 2019 – June 2019
Cohort 6 (1st Grade in 2016-17) October 2019 – December 2019


Responsibility and Incentives. Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders have the option of collecting test and survey data for all schools in their district or they can designate a Reading Recovery Teacher to collect data for each individual school. For each school, a $75 gift card incentive will be provided to the individual collecting both the test and survey data. The Reading Recovery Teacher Leader will be asked to decide who will collect the requested data for each school in an online pre-survey.

The completion of data collection for this study is extremely important in trying to understand the lasting impacts of Reading Recovery on students. We are asking for your full support in data collection activities over the three years of this study. The more participation we receive during data collection, the stronger our results will be in determining the long-term efficacy of Reading Recovery.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have questions, please contact the IDEC Helpdesk at or email the research team directly at CRESP at